Muito obrigado pelo enlace, eu tenho un livro de ladino acreditado no México, chamado Mealef para aprender a leer Hebreo, Yaacob Huerin Galante, Editorial Jerusalém de México, 2015 [1]; mas eu preciso con detalhe conhecer uma transliteração máis certa.--Marrovi (discusión) 16:54 2 Feb 2017 (UTC)

דונאלד טראמפ trocar

Hi. Forgive me for writing in English.

I see why you did this, and there's nothing wrong with it in theory. In practice, I'd mostly prefer limiting shortcuts like this to cases where people (a) might really type the Hebrew-script version into the search bar (e.g., ישראל), and (b) where nevertheless an actual Hebrew script page doesn't exist. In a case like this,[1] where the purpose was to be able to write the Hebrew-script version into the template on איטאדֿוס אונידֿוס די אמיריקה, I think you'd usually be better off using a piped link: [[Donald Trump|דונאלד טראמפ]] appears like this: דונאלד טראמפ.
StevenJ81 (discusión) • 26 Shevat 5777 • 19:12 21 Feb 2017 (UTC)

  1. Unless, of course, you are going to write the Hebrew script version!

Resposta trocar

Ok Luis Gabriel Moraes Dias (discusión) 19:21 21 Feb 2017 (UTC)

איטאדֿוס אונידֿוס trocar

While we`re at it: איטאדֿוס אונידֿוס, or איסטאדֿוס אונידֿוס? StevenJ81 (discusión) • 26 Shevat 5777 • 19:17 21 Feb 2017 (UTC)