• Hi Angela,
    Could you point me to where I need to request admin status on this new Lad.Wiki thanks so much too for your help in finally getting it online. I hope and pray that all the interest in the Ladino community is still strong. If so we'll get a lot of readers stopping by. It would be important to make the page appealing and change the logo etc. Thanks again, Jay B. ILVI 18:58, 26 September 2005 (UTC)
This must be the latest I've ever replied to a wiki message. Perhaps I visited this Wikipedia previously, but before Single User Login existed, I wouldn't have been notified of your message as I wouldn't have logged on! Finally today the wiki tells me "you have new messages" (new meaning 3 years old!). I'm glad you were able to find out how to become an admin without my help! :) Angela 13:39 23 Diz 2008 (UTC)