Diskusyón de Vikipedya:Embasada

Identify inscription


Hi all. Are these inscriptions in Ladino, or something else? File:Jewish gravestone in Thessaloniki 01.jpg File:Jewish gravestone in Thessaloniki 02.jpg (5673 is 1913 CE, right?)--Geraki (discusión) 10:26 2 sep 2019 (UTC)Responder

@Geraki: 5673 is 1913 CE, that's right. (OK, to be technical: 5673 was from sunset of 11 September 1912 to sunset of 1 October 1913.)
  • That picture (#2) does appear to be Ladino, and the date shown is 27 Nisan 5673, equivalent to 4 May 1913 (or the evening before).
  • Picture #2 mentions "edad de 85 anyos" (85 years old).
  • Picture #1 appears to be in Hebrew, not Ladino. It says "the young student, Ya'akov son of Shmuel", and the date given is (if I'm reading right) 15 Tishri 5481, 17 October 1720 (Gregorian), or the evening before, corresponding to the holiday of Sukkot. StevenJ81 (discusión) • 13 Elul 5779 • 19:05 12 sep 2019 (UTC)Responder
I should add: the conversions shown here are to Gregorian. But the Ottomans weren't using the Gregorian calendar at all—even by 1913. StevenJ81 (discusión) • 13 Elul 5779 • 19:54 12 sep 2019 (UTC)Responder

Question about accessing copies of Ladino versions of Ottoman Empire law documents


Hi! I found versions of the en:Dustur and the en:Ottoman Constitution of 1876 in various languages. I wonder if there are versions in Judaeo-Spanish/Ladino so I can ask Wikipedians to scan and upload copies. I am not sure which libraries would have them. Thanks, WhisperToMe (discusión) 17:00 25 sep 2019 (UTC)Responder

I'll leave this notice here in case someone actually has something like this. I can ask around at the local Sephardic synagogue this weekend. StevenJ81 (discusión) • 25 Elul 5779 • 17:07 25 sep 2019 (UTC)Responder
That would be great! Thanks!
  • Constitution's title: Konstitusyon del Imperio otomano proklamada el 7 zilhidje 1283 (7 Tevet 5637). (one printing was Constantinople: Estamparia De Castro en Galata. 1877).
  • Dustur: Koleksyon de las leyes, reglamentos, ordenanzas i instruksyones del Imperio Otomano, published by Moïse del Médico (a.k.a. "Moiz Bey Dalmediko", 1848-1937) and David Fresco (1850-1933) in 1881
There are other documents that are in Judaeo-Spanish too:
  • The Jewish millet constitution, Konstitusyon para la nasyon yisraelita de la Turkia - I believe it was reprinted as Hakhamkhane nizamnamesi – Estatuto organiko dela komunidad israelita promulgado en data del 23 de agosto de 1287 (Kostantinopla, Imprimeria Izak Gabay, Galata, 1913).
  • Kanun name de Penas (Ottoman Penal Code), 1860, translated by Yehezkel Gabay (1825-1896)
  • Risale-i ahlâk, by Sadık Rif’at Pasha, translated by Gabay
WhisperToMe (discusión) 23:12 25 sep 2019 (UTC)Responder
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