This module can be used for advance linking, according to Wikidata. It includes the following functions:
- property - get a link according to wikidata claim
- label: gives the label in wikidata (no [[link]])
- Parameters: property (e.g p123)
- imageLink: Get a related file to be used in the article
- Parameters:
- 1 param (optional) - Property to get commons link. If not specified it uses d:Property:p18 (a generic property for image in wikidata)
- width - default 220px
- Parameters:
Fetch the "as of date" property of a associated with a property
function asOfDateQualifier(claim)
local AS_OF_PROPERTY = 'P585'
local wikidataModule = require('Module:Wikidata')
local value
local error
value, error = wikidataModule.getValueOfClaim(claim, AS_OF_PROPERTY, nil)
if value then
return ' ('..value ..')'
return ''
function getPropertyQualifier(property, qualifier)
local wikidataModule = require('Module:Wikidata')
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()
if not entity or not entity.claims then return end --the entity doesnt exist or have no claims
local propertyVals = entity.claims[property]
if not propertyVals then return end --no such property for this item
value, error = wikidataModule.getValueOfClaim(propertyVals[1], qualifier, nil)
return value
Fetch property from wikidata:
* if the entity or the claim doesn't exist - nil
* if the property exist:
- for entity reference - returns link to entity (using sitelink) with label as text, otherwise wikidata label as text
- for string - returns the string
- for quantity - returns the amount
- for time - returns the time as string
- for image - returns image inclusion with 250px size
function getProperty( propertyName, allowMulti, allowNA )
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()
if not entity or not entity.claims then return end --the entity doesnt exist or have no claims
local propertyVals = entity.claims[propertyName]
if not propertyVals then return end --no such property for this item
local resTable = {}
for i, property in ipairs(propertyVals) do
local propValue = property.mainsnak and property.mainsnak.datavalue
if not propValue then
if allowNA and (property.mainsnak and property.mainsnak.snaktype)=='somevalue' then
return 'Unknown'
--property doesnt exist
local isImage = (property.mainsnak.datatype=='commonsMedia')
if propValue['type'] == 'wikibase-entityid' then
local linkTarget = mw.wikibase.sitelink( "Q" .. propValue.value['numeric-id'] )
-- use Hebrew label, if it doesn't exist use English and otherwise use Q id
local linkTitle = mw.wikibase.label( "Q" .. propValue.value['numeric-id'] ) or (mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( "Q" .. propValue.value['numeric-id'] ).labels['en'] and mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( "Q" .. propValue.value['numeric-id'] ).labels['en'].value) or "Q" .. propValue.value['numeric-id']
table.insert(resTable, linkTarget and linkTitle and mw.ustring.format( "[[%s|%s]]", linkTarget, linkTitle )
or linkTitle)
elseif propValue['type'] == 'string' then
if isImage then
table.insert(resTable, mw.ustring.format( '[[File:%s|250px]]', propValue.value ))
table.insert(resTable, propValue.value)
elseif propValue['type'] == 'monolingualtext' then
table.insert(resTable, propValue.value.text)
elseif propValue['type'] == 'quantity' then
local lang = mw.getContentLanguage()
local asOfDate = asOfDateQualifier(property)
table.insert(resTable, lang:formatNum( tonumber(propValue.value.amount) ) .. asOfDate)
elseif propValue['type'] == 'time' then
local timeValue = entity:formatPropertyValues( propertyName ).value
timeValue = mw.ustring.gsub(timeValue, '^(%d+ %a+) (%d+)$', '[[%1]] [[%2]]')
table.insert(resTable, timeValue)
if not allowMulti then
return table.concat( resTable, ', ' )
function property( frame )
return getProperty(string.upper(frame.args[1]), (frame.args[2] and string.len(frame.args[2])>0) or false, true)
function getLabel( propertyName )
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()
if not entity or not entity.claims then return end--the entity doesnt exist or have no claims
local property = entity.claims[propertyName]
if not property then return end --no such property for this item
property = property[1]
local propValue = property.mainsnak.datavalue
if not propValue then return '' end --property doesnt exist
if propValue['type'] == 'wikibase-entityid' then
return mw.wikibase.label( "Q" ..propValue.value['numeric-id'] )
elseif propValue['type'] == 'string' then
return propValue.value
-- Return the label for property, or the label of the linked entiy of that property
function label( frame )
return getLabel( string.upper(frame.args[1] ))
function getImageLink( propName, width, align, description, border)
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()
if not entity or not entity.claims then return end --the entity doesnt exist or have no claims
local property = entity.claims[propName or "P18"]
if property then
local width = width or "220"
local extraParameters = width..'px'
if align then extraParameters = extraParameters .. '|' .. align end
if description then extraParameters = extraParameters .. '|' .. description end
if border and (#border > 0) then extraParameters =extraParameters..'|' ..'border' end
return mw.ustring.format( '[[File:%s|%s]]', property[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value, extraParameters )
--use this function to get associated image to be used in the article
function imageLink( frame )
return getImageLink(string.upper(frame.args[1] or 'P18'), frame.args["width"], frame.args["align"], frame.args["description"], frame.args["Border"])
-- returns "1" if the page has an associated wikidata entry, "" otherwise
function hasEntry()
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()
--if not entity or not entity.claims then return end --the entity doesnt exist or have no claims
if not entity then return end --the entity doesnt exist or have no claims
return 1
return {
imageLink = imageLink,
['imagelink'] = imageLink,
label = label,
['label'] = label,
property = property,
['property'] = property,
getProperty = getProperty,
getPropertyQualifier = getPropertyQualifier,
getImageLink = getImageLink,
getLabel = getLabel,
hasEntry = hasEntry,
['hasEntry'] = hasEntry