Diferensya entre trocamientos de "Altneuland"

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Liña 19:
==Referensias a los arabos==
En la visyon de Herzl, la kriasyon del [[Treser Templo]] en [[Yerushalayim]] en el [[Monte del Templo]] iva ser lograda sin problemas kon los arabos o kon el resto de los [[islam|musulmanos]] del mundo, deke eyos akseptaban ke iva ser kostryuido en un tyempo de rendensyon i de paz para toda la umanitá, por ke los erederos lejitimos, los djudios, ivan a dirijir la su influensia nasional i personal desde aya. El uniko [[arabo]] del livro, Reshid Bey, kuenta a los protagonistas ke los djudios no lo ivan tratar mal, afilu ke al kontrário, inkrementaron el valor de la su propyetá. Bazados en ke no egsiztia ostilitá de los arabos asya el proyekto sionista, la "Sosyetá Djudia" del libro de Herzl no es yamada presisamente un estado, para evitar kofliktos kon el [[Emperio Ottomano]] i no tyene huersas armadas.
In Herzl's vision, the creation of the [[Third Temple]] in Jerusalem on the [[Temple Mount]] had been accomplished without opposition from either local Arabs or the wider Muslim World, since they accept that it will usher in a period of redemption and peace for all mankind, since the legitimate heirs, the Jewish People, will direct their national and personal influence from there. The sole Arab character in the book, Reshid Bey, tells the protagonists that the Jews had in no way harmed him, but on the contrary, increased the value of his property.
Based on an assumption of no Arab hostility to the Zionist project, the "Jewish Society" in the book (Herzl does not call it explicitly a "state", apparently in order to avoid antagonising the [[Ottoman Empire|Ottoman]] authorities) is depicted as having no armed forces at all.
==Referensias a la istorya, siensia y jeografiya aktual==